your children & parenting lawyers

We help to put in place the best possible arrangements for the long-term benefit of you and your children.

Research shows that children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of divorce and separation or, more accurately, how their parents behave towards each other whilst going through it.

Even though the whole family goes through this change at the same time, it is likely that your children’s feelings about your separation/divorce will be different from your own. Regardless of how you and your partner feel about each other, it is important for your children to spend time with both of their parents. Children need the security of knowing that, whilst you may be divorcing each other, they can still love you both, spend time with both and that you can work together as parents to make the best possible arrangements for them.

Whether or not you need the assistance of the court, we will work with you to achieve the best possible arrangements for your children. Call 0191 5806044 for some initial legal advice to address any immediate concerns that you may have. We will also do our best to advise on your likely costs if you need us to move matters forward for you.

Let us help. Here is some information on making arrangements for your children if your relationship has come to an end.

Click below for more information about making arrangements for your children.

You can choose how to make arrangements for looking after your children if your relationship comes to an end.

You and your ex-partner can usually avoid going to court if you can agree on where the children will live, when and how much time they will spend time with each of you.

The law relating to the arrangements for children is contained in the Children Act 1989 and the Children and Families Act 2014. When you and your ex-partner discuss the arrangements for your children or when the court is asked to make decisions about children it is the children’s welfare that is the court’s paramount consideration.

If you and your ex-partner are able to reach agreement regarding the arrangements for your children then, under the “no order principle” detailed in the Children Act 1989, the court is not likely to make an order detailing those arrangements. The court takes the view that if you have reached agreement then there is no need for an order to be made.

If however, you are not able to reach agreement or agreed arrangements break down, then you can apply to the court to make Orders regarding the arrangements for the children.

If communication between you and your ex-partner is difficult you may want to consider working with a Family Mediator who can facilitate your discussions, explore your options and help you to reach agreement where possible.

In any event, you must meet with a Mediator  for a Mediation Information Assessment Meeting (MIAM) to discuss how the mediation process works and whether there is any possibility of you and your ex partner reaching agreement before you can make an application to the Court. You may not have to attend a MIAM in certain cases for example, if there has been domestic abuse or Social Services are involved.

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